Since mid-2022, Christian Caro, Siddharth Raj, and Surabhi Raj have presented their variety show, FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH SURABHI, NOW SIDDHARTH IS MY BEST FRIEND, to captivated audiences in their Bushwick apartment (aka, the Total Party House) on a monthly basis. Featuring both original music and song covers from Christian and Surabhi, clowning extravaganzas by Siddharth, and a plethora of special guests and performances, FEWSNSIMBF has become a staple of the Personal Pizza Party members’ lives.

In March 2023, we brought FEWS out of the living room and into a public venue and performed at Bar Freda in Ridgewood, Queens, bringing the Total Party House to a wider audience for the first time ever.

We plan to have additional shows every few months – both at the Total Party House and venues around the city. To stay up-to-date on our latest happenings, be sure to check us out on Instagram @TotalPartyHouse

(Photos below by Matthew Cubillos)